Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the Monhegan Artists’ Residency Corporation (MARC), on an all-volunteer basis, is responsible for carrying out all aspects of the organizational mission, including raising funds to support the artists’ residencies, publicizing and promoting the residency opportunity and its awardees, and supervising the annual jurying process. MARC also sponsors public educational programs on topics relating to the art of Monhegan Island, contemporary Maine art, and the art of past MARC residents.
Leith MacDonald
Bonnie Cochrane Boyd
Marguerite Robichaux (Fellow 1990)
Susan Danly
Mott Feibusch
Karen Francomano
Hope Hilton
John Knight (Fellow 2001)
Dylan Metrano
Daphne Pulsifer
Jude Valentine (Fellow 2018)
Sarah Webb